Stilling of the Storm

Dedication: June 1, 2003
Donors: Valery Craane and Family
Artist: Debora Coombs

Upper Scene (Luke 8:22-25): Begun in 2002, when memories of the 9/11 tragedy were still raw, the window, serving as an allegory of human response to crisis, depicts the moment just before calm is restored. Jesus reminds the men to place themselves entirely in God’s hands at all times. He reawakens faith that had been put “on hold” during a crisis.

Lower Scene (Mark 14:3-9): A woman and Jesus are absorbed in the sacred acts of giving and receiving. Judas rails at the woman’s wastefulness and others are unsure of how to respond. All of life is sacrament, yet we often are unable to experience, or even witness such moments.