Why I Give

Lives are changed here at Marble Collegiate Church - our own and, through us, the lives of others.

Week after week, people find something at Marble that is hard to find anywhere else: a place to connect deeply with God and each other, hope for life, and inspiration to become all of who God created us to be. Giving is our opportunity to commit back to a God who is deeply committed to us. Here are just a few of the many life-changing reasons people give to Marble:

“Immediately I was taken with the positivity, the music, the emphasis on love and the incredible welcome I received every week. But it was when I went to my first WeWo and Connection Bible Study that I really felt I had come home. I had finally found people who really ‘got me.’... This sounds crazy, but I couldn't wait to start giving money, it felt so exciting. It was like a test of my newly found faith. As a child I was keenly aware of feelings of scarcity, and I was eager to finally let them go.”

- Jenna Newton

“I have always believed in giving back a portion of what God gives me. Even when I felt reluctant. Marble removed that reluctance and has proved to be what I think a church ought to be! It’s a place that feeds my spirit, that is inclusive, that comforts in times of loss and rejoices in the good times. Giving to that kind of church is a privilege.”

- Betty Franklin

“I’ve recently accepted a new leadership role in a field I care deeply about and so I’ve asked friends and ministers at Marble for prayers and spiritual guidance. Marble has changed me – it’s helped me to better myself. And I want to see this great church do what it does best.”

- Edgardo Rivera

“After my first son was born, I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me, and I knew I needed bigger help than myself... I still remember Dr. Brown’s sermon that November day 4 years ago. I walked out with tears streaming down my face. We decided right away that we wanted to be regular givers... We wanted to be in the thick of it and giving regularly gives us that feeling.”

- Emily Begin

“... In that period [of being unemployed], I thought a lot about the lessons I had learned listening to Dr. Peale. One that particularly sunk in was the lesson of partnership: that if you wanted to become bigger than you were, consider partnering with God. At this point, I didn’t have anything so I said to myself, 10% of 0 is 0 so there’s nothing to lose! And I started on a path of giving... Today I still partner and give as I am blessed.”

- Greg Walker, Elder Emeritus

“It takes money to make our ministry happen. I want to do my part and respond to what God has done for me – to keep this remarkable church alive, growing and reaching out to help others. So I’ve supported Marble through my annual pledge since I began attending the church in 1996.”

- Sandra Diaz

Online Giving

Sign-up for online giving with Realm, an online ministry tool designed for real-time connection. It helps our church connect with you and you connect with us. If you consider yourself part of this church family, you’ll love it. Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, and keep in touch with the groups that matter to you.