Giving FAQs


Why should I give money to Marble Collegiate Church?
When you give to Marble, you “gift to others” what we enjoy. Every gift you give, whether financial or spiritual, changes lives. Former Senior Minister, Dr. Michael B. Brown has said, “God’s love always comes to us on its way to someone else.” Your gift keeps Marble strong, day after day, so that years from now, others will still experience the same life-changing experience of welcome and worship. See how giving has changed people’s lives and why they give.

Can I give a gift if I’m not a member?
Absolutely! Many people have been touched by Marble’s Ministry in one way or another – oftentimes through our live-streamed Worship or other online programs. You may want to participate in our Easter Offering and support our grants to local nonprofits.

How can I give to Marble Church?
You can give now, in Worship via the offering plate, or by mail. You can use a credit card, electronic bank transfer, check, cash, or stock transfer. You can give in honor or in memory of someone you care about — or leave behind a legacy. You can even call us to donate by phone at (212) 686-2770.

How do I decide how much to give to Marble?
People often wonder about the “right” amount. The right amount is between you and God. Some people find it helpful to think in terms of a weekly amount ($10 or $25 per week) or a monthly amount ($10, $100, or $1,000 per month... or ANY OTHER amount.) There is no gift too small... or too large! In the end, it’s about gratitude, generosity, and giving freely.

What is a tithe?
A tithe is usually understood as a gift of 10% of one’s income, a goal toward which many Christians work as they grow in their faith. Sr. Carol Perry, Marble’s former Bible scholar, provides this background: “The concept of the tithe is well-developed in the Old Testament, the idea of giving to the service of God and to the care of the poor a specified share of one’s harvest or flock. It was based on the simple fact that the earth was God’s and human beings had only the use of it.”

Is my donation to Marble tax-deductible?
Yes, Marble Church is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization under the umbrella of the Reformed Church in America. We send out summary statements throughout the year and a detailed statement every January that you can use for tax purposes. To ensure that your contribution can be included in a given calendar year, the IRS stipulates that donations must be dated, postmarked, and/or received by December 31. Please check with your Tax Advisor as to the tax consequences and benefits your gift may provide.

Is my giving to the church confidential?
Yes, only members of the Business Office and Stewardship staff are aware of the amount as they process all contributions.

Can I make my gift via a Stock Transfer?
Yes, to initiate a stock transfer, contact Clay Hale and print out an informational form.

Stewardship and Pledging

What do you mean when you talk about “stewardship”?
Sr. Carol explains how this grew out of the Old Testament concept of a tithe: in the New Testament Jesus underlines “the concept of the steward, a person of enormous importance in a large household. It was he who had charge of all the master’s material goods and their use. He owned nothing, but was answerable for the use and growth of everything.” So when we talk about stewardship, we are saying that, as a first-century steward, we are responsible for a trustworthy and joyous response to all that God has given us.

What is a pledge?
You can take a step beyond making a one-time or regular contribution with an annual pledge. A pledge is a commitment to support Marble financially in the year ahead. It is not legally binding, but rather, it is a faith commitment, a commitment to partner with God and with us.

Why pledge?
Marble members express their reason for pledging in a variety of ways: Pledging “allows me to be in the thick of it” or “I have the opportunity to ‘gift to others’ what I have enjoyed” or “it’s about a partnership with God.” Or, as former Senior Minister, Dr. Brown expressed it, a pledge is “a thank you note to God.” Your support helps others experience the inclusive, hope-filled ministry of Marble Church.

How many people pledge to Marble Church?
In 2017, over 600 members of our community made an annual pledge.

Can I pledge even if I am not a member?
Yes, anyone can take this step of faith! Last year we had 87 new pledgers and this year we would love to see 100. Be one of them today.

It’s after Commitment/Stewardship Sunday. Can I still make a pledge?
Yes! Gifts and pledges are welcome anytime. Each gift you fulfill allows you to take advantage of a charitable tax deduction in that calendar year.

Help - I misplaced my Expected Annual Giving form. Where can I get another one?
You can make your gift online or if it is easier, you can also email or call Marble’s Clay Hale, (212) 686-2770 with your pledge.

Wills, Bequests, and Planned Giving

Why should I make a planned gift to Marble Church?
You can make a larger planned gift rather than a cash gift and a planned gift to Marble may also provide you with tax and other financial benefits. Planned giving is a wonderful way to leave your legacy for generations to come. When you remember Marble, you ensure the vibrancy of our ministry and its long-term financial success. When you make a planned gift, you become a member of The Peale Society, Marble’s legacy society named after Dr. Norman Vincent Peale.

How can a planned gift benefit me personally?
Making a planned gift can provide you with a charitable income tax deduction, reduce or eliminate capital gains or estate taxes, enable you to leave a legacy for the next generation, pay you a stream of income for your life and/or the life of another, and/or increase the income you may receive from an investment. And making a planned gift allows others to experience this hope-filled place we love!

How can I make a planned gift to Marble Church?
There are a number of ways in which you can make a planned gift to Marble, including making a gift via your will, by giving a gift of stock or other securities, by naming Marble as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or Life Insurance policy. We recommend you discuss these options with your financial advisor. If you’d like more information on these options at Marble Church, please reach out to Clay Hale, (212) 686-2770.

What kind of language should I use in my will if I want to leave a bequest to Marble?
You should talk to your lawyer about what language is best for you. This PDF shows some of the options.

Easter Offering

What is the Easter Offering?
Each year friends and members of Marble give generously to the Marble Easter Offering. 100% of your contributions go to non-profits that are making a difference in the world. More than 50 non-profits receive grants each year.

What difference does the Easter Offering make?
The Easter Offering expresses God’s love by alleviating human suffering. It provides food to the hungry, shelter to the homeless, education to at-risk youth and reconciliation around the world. In short, the Easter Offering is a practical expression of God’s love! Make a contribution at any time of the year.

Who decides which non-profits are given grants?
The Benevolence of Marble Committee, made up of active members of Marble Church under the leadership of Director of Missions and Outreach Rev. Susanah Wade, meets throughout the year to determine giving priorities. After receiving a grant application, a member of the Benevolence Committee meets with each non-profit and the Committee discerns through prayer and discussion how the offering can change lives for the better.

Online Giving

Sign-up for online giving with Realm, an online ministry tool designed for real-time connection. It helps our church connect with you and you connect with us. If you consider yourself part of this church family, you’ll love it. Realm allows you to manage your personal information and who is allowed to see it, control your giving, and keep in touch with the groups that matter to you.